10 albums to desecrate the holidays.

Some people don’t like the holidays. They prefer blasphemous black metal. Here are 10 ideas to “uncelebrate” X-mess.

Mortuary DrapeAll The Witches Dance (1995)

One of the most seriously blasphemous albums ever released. The air does get heavy when this one is spinning. If your aim is to make Jesus mad, you’ve got it.

Amen Corner – Fall, Ascension, Domination (1993)

This is spiritually hateful, with the cover of Cain killing Abel and Satan in the skies receiving all the hate of Invidia, songs like Deusdemoteme and The Infinite Empire of Satanaz (sic) are dreadful to this day. Utterly recommended to desecrate.

Murder RapeCelebration of Supreme Evil (1994)

This one mean only hate against Christian religion, Satanism, hate, force, haughtiness., Pure recommended: Goat Worshippers, Trace of Omnipotence, and Goat Rules. Find the lyrics and it’ll make full sense.

MystifierWicca (1992)

This classic invocates and spills on the face of Nazarene. Nuff said.

SarcófagoI.N.R.I. (1987)

If you don’t get the meaning of this album you’re totally out for lunch. This is the one to make sacred entities that celebrate peace and love, declare war and bloodshed, because the content is so blasphemous it’s hilarious. Not to mention this album inspired generations of musicians. “Die Jesus Christ, I hate you”. ARRGHHH.

BathoryBathory (1984)

Although the lyrics may sound a little childlike for today’s patterns this album causes evil sensations, and don’t ask me why. This is capable to invoke a storm after looking to starry happy skies. Satan inhabits this album.

Opera XI Sacro Culto (1998)

The song The Oak give me goosebumps, thrills, you name it. The riffs are pure strangeness to evoke the evilest entities from the forest. Cadaveria singing CRICIFIEEEED ON THE OOOOOAK is not good omen.

Impaled NazareneTol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz… (1992)

This is scourging against the happy spirit and the happy night. Pure parody of Christianity, this one will invert and irritate and casually expulse the goodness from near you.

Beherit Drawing Down the Moon (1993)

Sing the chorus of the song  The Gate of Nanna (AVE SATAN, AVE LUCIFER). Really, do I need to say something else?

HavohejDethrone the Son of God (1993)

this album is exactly the Live album by Profanatica but in studio versions. No one will get into heavens for listening this one.

Roderick Blutrache