LIVE BURIAL (UK) Unending Futility (Transcending Obscurity Records)

Old school death metal for connoisseurs only!


Live Burial returns with their sophomore album bringing what people nowadays use to call old school death metal. The sound of guitar (why I’ll never know) brings THAT timbre of  Entombed. That been said, this band doesn’t sound Swedish or an imitation of that band.

Indeed, they are very original, with a non-fast approach, a quasi-death doom sound, (like Autopsy or Benediction) but with a lot of phrases and changes of tempo as in the opener Seeping Into The Earth with LOTS of heavy parts with a predominant bass, which left the things heavy as fuck.

Condemned To The Boats is a death metal in “normal” velocity, it’s played by playbook and it is a great song. Although the very cohesive sound of the album in the final mix and mastering, this one is really a game changer by being a headbanger… The variety of solos, juxtaposed guitars, noisy bass, and crazy drumming is really a challenge for one to understand, so by the nature of it, this one deserves to be given lots of spins, so you can spend time of you quarantine trying to get it.

The closer Cemetery Fog delivers what the name implies and its chasmal nature is obscure and evil as fuck. Clocking in at 9 minutes, it just gives you more space to understand the thing inside your mind. Great song and albeit being that long it is not boring.

Live Burial has everything to become a favorite anytime soon, so why don’t you give them a chance in this obscure period we’re all in?

Unending Futility is out NOW on Transcending Obscurity Records.

Rating: 7.5/10

Roderick Totentanz
