WARDAEMONIC – Acts of Repentance – (Transcending Obscurity)

Black Metal at the speed of the light!


Hailing from Australia this black metal band presents unrelenting fastest music to make one wonders what the hell is going on.

What is going on is very simple; this is an example of dexterity inside a genre that sometimes go into the simpler the better mode.

Not the case here, these are the helluva musicians from Down under who use their expertise  not to make something avantgarde or post-bullshit. This is the real deal, but it’s so well executed that’s impossible to not take notice of their ability to explode the place.

For all effects they are a “traditional” black metal band, with the repetitive (or hypnotic if you will) phrases, but the capitation of the sound is so perfect that they somewhat trespass the frontier of what is normal inside black metal.

First track called Introspection is almost a headbanger, because one would break his neck trying to rock through this song, but there are several phrases and there’s almost no change of tempos, which causes the false impression they are repeating themselves. They are not.

Admission, the subsequent track is not so different from the first one but one can start to notice that beyond the noise and fastness there are melody in their guitar work. I mean REALLY! What is excellent, because after some spins the very same sensation that they WERE repeating themselves disappears completely leaving the listener to guess that if he is persistent and give the album a good chance and good deal of his time, the songs will start to grow inside him. But by this time around, it is perceptible that the time of the tunes are enormous, this one clocking in at almost 9 minutes.

The longest track – Castigation – presents more distancing between the phrases leaving the differences more conspicuous and although this song reaches 12+ minutes this is one of the most interesting tunes of this 5-song album, it’s when they seem to put all their dexterity into one pack.

But Sufferance is, although playing by the book, the more melodic song of the album and there are changes of phrases and – yes – tempos are blatant. This song is very coherent with the rest of the disc. And of course, the fastest parts are here to maintain the infernal order.

The binge doesn’t stop at the last song – Repentance – with some breaks but the machine gun drumming is there to accompany you until the bitter end. There is a sensational bass part that adds tons of heaviness to the anthem.

Acts of Repentance is extremely decent and competent album of a somewhat unknown band that deserved to be on the top of their game. This is for those who like true black metal, without being sell outs.

Acts of Repentance is out now on Transcending Obscurity.

Rating: 9/10

Roderick Totentanz

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